Women’s Bible Study and Breakfast
Fridays, 7:30 AM, Sverdrup Room
Join Fr. Mike Wheeler as he directs the study of the Acts of the Apostles. This experience includes study, prayer, and fellowship. All women are invited to attend these study sessions. A light breakfast is served. Come nourish both your body and your soul.
Church Service League/Susan Mount Guild (CSL/SMG) Bible Study
Tuesdays, 11:00 AM, Great Hall
The group meets in the Great Hall at 11:00 AM for its weekly meetings and group Bible Study, as well as specialized programming such as the Lenten Speaker Series. After the meeting, the CSL/SMG hosts a Noon luncheon ($7).
Want to make a reservation for lunch? Have any questions? Call Jane Cox at 636.394.3441.
Small Group Bible Study
Throughout the week, different groups of parishioners gather for a time of Bible Study, prayer, and sharing. Groups meet at various times during both the day and evening hours. Members of each of these groups share an approach to growing in their faith by sharing their spiritual lives with each other. Please contact the Receptionist at 314.721.1502 or receptionist@csmsg.org for more information.