Please come and enjoy any or all of our offerings. CSL are open to all!

On Tuesdays, consider joining us for:
10:30 AM: Bible Study in the Sverdrup Room
11:30 AM: Holy Eucharist in St. Mary’s Chapel
12:00 PM: Lunch in the Great Hall
Reservations for lunch ($12) required to Nancy Ferriss
at or 314.974.3386 by 4 PM on the Sunday before.


Tuesday, January 14: Program: Jim & Aleda Littlefield – “Jamaica and the Peace Corps” An Adventure with Aleda and Jim Littlefield 1968 – 70” – Join Aleda and Jim in the Great Hall at 12:30 as they share their experiences in the Peace Corps with the Church Service League.

Tuesday, January 21: Church Service League Book Review Medley –  Would you like to know a good book to read? Join Church Service League at 12:30 in the Great Hall to hear reviews of favorite books.  

Tuesday, January 28: Program – Andy Hahn – The History of Saint Louis in Maps – Join Andy Hahn, Executive Director at the Campbell House Museum, at 12:30 in the Great Hall as he leads Church Service League through the history of our city based on 40 rare maps that span over 200 years.

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