Helping our parents grow in Christ, serve with Christ and engage the world through faith

CSMSG Parent Ministry

WELCOME! Parent Ministry supports parents of all ages in raising their Christian families. It encompasses various events and learning opportunities, from small group meetings to larger family events designed to provide fellowship, support, and education for parents, grandparents, godparents, teachers, and all adults interested in the spiritual formation for families.

Marty Chapman
Coordinator of Parent Ministry


Get Involved



Saturday, November 6
4 – 6:00 PM
Outside at CSMSG
Fun and fellowship for all, including hayrides,
live music, food, games, and more.

New to the Fall Festival is the 50/50 raffle benefitting CSMSG’s Youth Ministry. Tickets are $1 each, $10 for 12, or $20 for a Fr. Tom Wingspan. What is a Fr. Tom Wingspan? It’s as many tickets as he can unspool hand to hand, wingspan fully extended. Tickets will be available to purchase at the Fall Festival. To purchase tickets in advance, drop off cash or a check payable to CSMSG in an envelope marked “Youth 50/50 Raffle” and your name at the church and we will fill out the tickets for you. Half of the proceeds will be paid as a prize and the other half will support our Youth Ministry programs. Drawing will be held at the Fall Festival but you do not need to be present to win. Contact Jess Speropulos with questions at

How to Discuss Suicide with Your Adolescents” with Brian and Dale Kuhn

Music reprinted and streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-2606145. All rights reserved.

Meet Our Staff

Kyle Tallman


Kyle Tallman has worked with Young Life since 2004, serving students in a variety of roles. Recently Kyle has transitioned from the business world back into ministry and is pursuing a Masters in Biblical Theology from Covenant Theological Seminary. Hailing from Chattanooga, TN, Kyle is married to Rachel, and they have two children: Harper (5) and Wyatt (2).  Kyle is an accomplished songwriter/musician and enjoys using his talents to help share the Gospel. Kyle can be reached at 314.721.1502, #4023 or by email.

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