What should I expect on my first visit?
Upon your arrival for your initial worship service, a greeter will extend a warm welcome to you. Additionally, one of our ushers will assist you by offering a service leaflet and guiding you to an available seat.
How will I know what to do during the service?
A leaflet containing the readings and hymns for the service will be provided to you.
Do I need to become a member of the church to participate in worship and other activities?
You do not need to be a member to worship at CSMSG or to participate in our other programs and activities. However, we do encourage you to think and pray about the possibility of becoming a member and living a deeper life of faith and discipleship within the context of The Church of St. Michael & St. George’s community of faith.
Does the church have a dress code?
The church does not have a dress code.
Where do I park?
Parking is available along both Wydown Boulevard and Ellenwood Drive. On Sundays, parking is permitted alongside the median on Wydown.
Is the church handicapped accessible?
Yes. Handicap parking is available on Ellenwood Drive.
Does the church have a hearing loop?
Yes. The hearing loop system at CSMSG enables parishioners with hearing loss to participate fully in the services. More information on hearing loops
What Sunday programs are offered for children and youth?
We offer excellent programs for our children and youth as we work each week to point the way to Christ.
Is childcare available on Sunday?
Yes. Learn more and register at: Little Sprouts Nursery
Am I required to donate money?
There is no monetary requirement to worship at CSMSG. Most people find, however, that as they develop a deeper relationship with God and become more involved in ministry and community offerings, giving to the Church becomes a very natural next step in their Christian lives.
Can I take Communion? How does it work?
All baptized Christians of any denomination or tradition are welcome to receive Holy Communion at CSMSG. When the usher instructs you to do so, walk forward toward the altar. To administer communion, a priest will take their place. Communicants will form a single file line. Communion wafers and wine are distributed. The priest will drop a wafer into a communicant’s cupped hands. Anyone who presents themselves and does not offer outstretched cupped hands will not be communicated.
Are the Clergy considered ministers or priests? How should they be addressed?
There are three orders of clergy in The Episcopal Church: deacons, priests, and bishops. Even though it is not grammatically correct, many address priests and deacons as “Reverend Smith” or “Reverend Kathy” and “Deacon Smith” or “Deacon Kathy”. At CSMSG, some parishioners use the term “Father” to address the male clergy, and some address the female clergy with “Mother”. To determine the appropriate form of address for the priests at CSMSG, it is best to simply ask them directly. Most likely, they prefer to be addressed by their first name.
Can I meet with a priest?
Of course! All the clergy at The Church of St. Michael & St. George believe the opportunity to meet with you is a privilege. Go to our staff directory for the clergy’s contact information.
How can I get involved at CSMSG?
Whatever your passion, there is a place for you to serve at The Church of St. Michael & St. George! Please Email Laurie Brown for more information.