Little Sprouts Childcare available from 9 AM – 11:30 AM. To register, contact
Coffee Hour will take place in the Great Hall.
9-9:45 AM
Conversations Beyond Confirmation Canterbury Suite
Centering Prayer Sverdrup Room
Racial Reconciliation Library
The Sermon on the Mount: Learning to Follow Jesus (led by Fr. Stewart) St. George’s Chapel
*Guiding Small Humans (Beth Human, Head of TSMSOC) will be held Oct. 13th, 27th, November 10th, and 24th in the Science Hub on the 2nd floor of TSMSOC
*Rector’s Forum will begin October 20th in the Taylor Room
9-11:30 AM
Little Sprouts Nursery Infant/Toddler Green Little Dragon Room
9-10:00 AM
Godly Play Stringham Room
Young Disciples I (2nd/3rd Grade) J203
Young Disciples II (4th/5th Grade) J205
6th/7th Grade Sunday School Armstrong Room
8th Grade Confirmands Canterbury Suite
10:00 AM
Children’s Chapel St. George’s Chapel