

The purpose of church music is to beautify the Church’s worship and to serve as an instrument for the praise and adoration of God.

Through a fruitful, collaborative ministry between clergy and musicians, a great depth of beauty is contributed to the liturgy. In the church’s music, every sentiment of the human heart is expressed and the unassailable bond between heaven and earth is realized. We believe, as Saint Augustine said, “He who sings prays twice.” When we sing, the word of God burrows down deep in our being.

The music ministry at The Church of St. Michael & St. George has a long and distinguished history and a quality traditional music program that expresses who we are. It is a key part of our Church identity. We live in a time of widespread spiritual yearning and, as stewards of God’s beauty, we challenge inclinations to bow to popular paradigms and legitimize pop culture as sacred art. By doing so, the music ministry embraces the rich history of Anglican church music, which elevates music to the very highest of art forms and to the greatest heights of human experience. Classical sacred music in the Anglican tradition performed with a high degree of proficiency is a defining characteristic of The Church of St. Michael & St. George. A strong music program functions as a symbol of the authenticity and legitimacy of our parish integrity.

Music, as an essential ingredient in the spiritual life of the parish, deepens our sense of the mystical in our worship of God and deepens our experience of common worship. Everything we do at The Church of St. Michael & St. George is in the service the God who has made us and redeemed us.

Through its unyielding commitment to the Church’s liturgical offerings and by its enormous generosity, the parish community ensures that The Church of St. Michael & St. George will continue to join its voice with Angels and Archangels and with all the company of heaven in one unending hymn of praise.