Membership and Belonging
We welcome everyone, regardless of membership status, to participate in our worship services and events and to get to know us better. Whether or not you are a member, it is easy to belong here at The Church of St. Michael & St. George.
Please approach a member of our welcome team and let them know of your interest in the church.
All Christians baptized with water in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are welcome to receive Holy Communion. Communion will be distributed in one kind, and the common cup will offered.
To administer communion, a priest will take their place at the stairs where the sanctuary ends and the nave begins. Communicants will form a single file line. The priest will drop a wafer into a communicant’s cupped hands. Anyone who presents themselves and does not offer outstretched cupped hands will not be communicated. Those who do not wish to receive Holy Communion may come forward for a blessing; please indicate this to the Priest by crossing your arms over your chest.
Becoming a Member
If you are transferring to The Church of St. Michael & St. George from another Episcopal Church, request a letter of transfer from your former parish, or send your former parish name and information to our Rector’s assistant Marlene Kleffner at or Director of Parish Life, Laurie Brown at
If you’ve been baptized and are transferring from a denomination other than the Episcopal Church, we encourage you to contact the Clergy Assistant by emailing Dayne Newberry or calling him at 314.721.1502 #4045 about enrolling in a confirmation class. Confirmation sessions occur every year and are followed by Confirmation by the Bishop. If you’ve been confirmed in another church, you should know that CSMSG recognizes confirmation from most other denominations. Therefore, if you’ve been previously confirmed, you will typically be received into the Episcopal Church.
If you have never been baptized, get ready for a life-changing celebration! Contact our Rector’s assistant by emailing Marlene Kleffner or calling her at 314.721.1502 #4017 to make an appointment to meet with our priest, who will then lead you through a process that allows you to ask questions, search for the answers, and to be baptized.
We urge all who have found a home here, members and non-members, to support the work of the Church with your time, talent, and treasure. We encourage all who find their participation with CSMSG to be rewarding and fulfilling to consider contributing financially to the Church. Please email our Director of Stewardship and Giving, Alexis Posnanski, or call her at 314.721.1502 #4044 for more information regarding stewardship.