Do you know of someone in crisis or in need of support? Sometimes the only way we can help others is through prayer. The Church of St. Michael & St. George maintains a current prayer list so the Church community can pray along with you. The prayer list is much more than the list of names read during the intercessions on Sunday. The prayer list is prayed daily at both Morning and Evening Prayer. The list includes people who have died, are in the hospital or recovering at home, are in the armed forces, and others who for whatever reason could benefit from the power of prayer. In addition, the list includes prayers of thanksgiving for weddings, baptisms, and births in the parish community. Prayer requests remain on the prayer list for four weeks. Extended listings must be renewed each month.
You can submit a request by emailing Marlene Kleffner or calling the Church at 314.721.1502,#4017, or by filling out a form in the Ellenwood narthex and placing it in the prayer box.